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Tee Ball (T-Ball)

Division Director - Emily Kaiser/Mark Debonee

Division Bylaws - 2022: Tee Ball (T-Ball) Bylaws

Tee Ball Baseball is for boys and girls 4-6 years old who want to learn the fundamentals of hitting and fielding. In Tee Ball, players hit a ball off a batting tee. Rules of the game may be varied to accommodate the need for teaching. The primary goals of Tee Ball are to instruct children in the fundamentals of baseball and to allow them to experience the value of teamwork.

Player Expectations

Players should be familiar with the following areas by the end of their Tee Ball season.

  • Properly hold a baseball bat with their fingers and with knuckles of fingers aligned.
  • Know how to get into the batter’s box and have an idea of the relationship of themselves and how far away from plate they should be. Toes parallel to pitcher, slightly closed. Knees bent a little.
  • Know how to be in infield ready position. Players hips should be turned toward home plate, feet slightly wider than shoulder width, knees bent, bent at waist, eyes and head up looking at batter, glove and throwing hand in front of feet, should form a triangle from toes to glove, palm of glove and throwing hand facing up. Should be able to go from a relaxed (before the swing/ pitch) to the ready position as infielders. Younger players should not be stationary, taking small steps from infield ready position, then resetting for next pitch/ swing back to their starting spot, that would wonderful.
  • Know how to be in outfield ready position. Player is in a sprinting position, arms at ready to sprint location, on their toes. Should begin learning how to back up plays.
  • Know how to hold a baseball and to throw with four seams. Player should take a step with right foot than left and then throw pointing at target with glove hand (in the case of a right-hand player).
  • Understand the baseball field, baselines, bases, and positions. By end of season you should be able to stand at the mound with your team and give a player a position and have them go to it.
  • All players should be taught to run through first base, then get back to the bag as quickly as possible.

Coaching Expectations

Thank you for assisting ELL and coaching a Tee Ball team. Below are some expectations of you as a coach your team.

  • Hold a minimum of one practice per week.
  • Work with your division director to understand division bylaws.
  • Responsible for maintaining equipment in lock boxes.
  • Encouraged to attend player evaluations to assist or watch to take player notes.
  • Encourage to attend developmental Sundays when sessions are running.
  • Encouraged to attend winter clinics when sessions are running.
  • Attend other ELL coach practices for observation, Q&A (reach out to Tim Norris)
  • Monitor field conditions and reports any issues to your division director.

Coaching Resources

Below are some useful resources to assist new our new Tee Ball coaches as they begin their coaching career with Enfield Little League.  

Little League International Resources

Enfield Little League

PO Box 501 
Enfield, Connecticut 06083
Phone : 860-698-0002
Email : [email protected]
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